Subject | Higher Education, Health and Social Care, ICT, Languages, Medicine and Health, PE, Psychology, Science |
Type | Knowledge, Skill |
Audience | Young Person |
Location | In-School |
Year Group | Year 5, Year 6, Year 7, Year 8, Year 9, Year 10, Year 11, Year 12, Year 13, L3 Y1, L3 Y2, Mature |
Gatsby Benchmark | 7 |
Term | Spring, Summer, Autumn |
Sign Up | Teacher |
There is an ever-changing list of sessions that you can get involved with for all ages – from primary years all the way through to level 3 study. Full details and the form to book are on the UEA website. Click through to read more about:
Tutor time or PHSE lessons are an ideal time for our students to run sessions for your class, but we can flexible to meet your timetables (and our students commitments, of course). You can expect hands-on activities that relate directly to a subject area that will help develop knowledge and break down barriers around higher education.
Teachers or students - who signs up?
Teachers can book multiple places at once for their students. To request a session, visit the UEA website.
Got more questions? Contact our team, we’ll find the answers you’re looking for.