Subject | Medicine and Health |
Type | Knowledge, Skill, Attainment Raising |
Audience | Young Person, Mature |
Location | On Campus |
Year Group | Year 12, L3 Y1, Mature |
Gatsby Benchmark | 7, 8 |
Term | Summer |
Sign Up | Young Person, Mature |
UCAT is an aptitude test – students can’t revise content, but they can make sure they’re prepared by developing their test-taking skills. Our activities will immerse students in all things UCAT to build their confidence and ability. They’ll get to work with our course experts and current UEA students who have been through the UCAT process.
Students should sign up for their own place, so please share the info with them. Bookings are open now, with a deadline of Monday 7 April. Like all our activities – everything is totally free, including travel to County Hall if you meet certain criteria.
Who should sign up?
Students should sign up themselves – but they can always ask our Outreach team for help.
Where does the event take place
Application Success: UCAT takes place at Norwich County Hall on Martineau Lane (NR1 2DH).
We know that transport costs can be a barrier for some people. We can support you by arranging travel to and from the venue if you meet certain criteria.
Interested in another activity? Check out what’s on offer with Explore.
Got more questions? Contact our team – we’ll find the answers you’re looking for.