School and College Agreement
UEA Outreach exists to widen access to Higher Education to those who are currently underrepresented. To do this, we rely on schools and colleges as the main conduit to deliver our activities. The purpose of this agreement is to outline what UEA Outreach can offer, to ensure a productive and mutually beneficial relationship between us and you.
UEA will...
- Provide a named key contact from the Outreach team
- Provide a research-based and evidence-led progressive programme of high quality activities to raise awareness of Higher Education and support aspirations
- Ensure any additional needs of your pupils are met, where possible, during our delivery
- Provide Student Ambassadors to support events where relevant
- Provide risk assessments for all activities
- Ensure UEA Outreach staff are safeguarding-trained and DBS-checked, and where this isn’t the case will let you know in advance
- Make you aware of any planned photography/video at events
- Provide impartial information and signposting on Higher Education and provide additional support to applicants to UEA (post 16 providers only)
- Give access to our staff cover and travel fund for at least three on-campus events
- Give access to our grant fund, up to £1,000, to purchase materials or software to support students to find out more about Higher Education and the careers it may lead to
- Promote subject-specific opportunities for your students
- Conduct an annual survey to assess your students’ perceptions of Higher Education (excludes primary schools)
- Generate an annual report summarising activity in school/college, for use with OFSTED and Gatsby Benchmark reports (excludes primary schools).
A partner school or college will...
- Commit to engaging in a minimum of two programmes across Key Stage 3 and 4. Programmes are multi-touchpoint so usually involve an assembly, workshop and campus visit
- Allocate appropriate staff resource to conduct baseline survey (excludes primary schools) and send whole school data to UEA by October half term (excludes FECs)
- Securely share a register of attendance for each activity
- Make participants aware that photographs/video will be taken, and will make UEA aware if any participants have opted out of photography/video
- Provide data on ESOL student numbers (post 16 providers only)
- Facilitate access to the UEA Outreach offer for each year group
- Provide a suitable space for UEA Outreach staff to deliver in
- Provide contact details for Subject Leads for targeted promotion of subject-specific opportunities
- Provide a named SLT member with responsibility for Outreach activities
- Provide a named individual responsible for day-to-day contact with the UEA Outreach team and coordinating support from the school or college identified
- Complete our Agreement and Support form at least one month before an on-campus activity
- Provide the relevant UEA Outreach team member with information on any reasonable adjustments required for students taking part in our activities
- Be responsible for the behaviour of your students during all activities
- Provide accompanying staff member for in-school delivery, with the exception of 1-1 sessions
- Provide feedback on the observed impact of our programmes during end-of-year review meetings
- Confirm with the relevant Outreach team member whether an in-school or college session will be going ahead, and with what numbers, a minimum of three working days before delivery. If this information is not received, UEA Outreach will no longer hold the time free and cannot guarantee delivery.
In addition, an Access to HE partner college (specifically City College, College of West Anglia, and East Coast College) will:
- Enable UEA to have access to all Access to HE students throughout the year, with a minimum engagement of once per term
- Meet with UEA contact termly to help facilitate the Access to HE Offer