Why do we collect your students information?
We are measured on the impact we have with the people we work with. A large part of that is looking at whether participants in our activities progress to higher education. To do that, we need to know who we are working with. Because our Outreach work is directly reportable to the Office for Students, we collect data from schools and colleges under Article 6(1)(e) of the GDPR, relating to Public Task. This means we do not have to have consent for the data we hold, but we do have to inform people we have it.
Schools and Sixth Forms
Your Outreach Officer and Higher Education Champion will have full details of what you need to do regarding the collection of data, but as a reminder:
- The appropriate member of staff needs to read and sign the Data Sharing Protocol.
- Share a letter to students in year 9 or above, or their parents and carers if they are younger, explaining their rights, including how to opt out.
- Share the data with us using the template we\’ll provide you with.
- Once you have shared this we will send you a list of ID numbers for each student. We ask you to store these numbers in your systems, to make future updates much easier for both you and us.
- Every time we have an activity with you we need you to either make the register available to the organiser, or send over a list of participant ID numbers.
At the end of the year, we will share a report with you about the work we did with your students, and the impact this work had. This can be used for reporting, for example to governor boards or OFSTED as it’s an example of evidence based interventions.
Further Education Colleges
We work slightly differently with FECs – there is no mass data collection, instead we ask your students to provide their data ahead of each activity they take part in.
- At the start of each activity with us, either on campus or in college, students will be asked to fill in a data collection form via a QR code. Students will be able to access our privacy notice via this form
- Your UEA contact will share a copy of the privacy notice with the lead staff member via email to share directly with students after a session so they can retain this for their records.
At the end of the year we will share a report with you about the work we did with your students and the impact this work had. This can be used for reporting, for example to governor boards or OFSTED as it’s an example of evidence based interventions.
I’m a parent or carer, what does all this mean for my young person?
If you’re the parent or carer of a young person in year 9 or above, the student will be given information about the data we collect and what we do with it. For younger students, this will be given to you. The privacy notice gives full details but in summary:
- The personal data we collect about your young person is safely stored in an online database.
- We collect the data so we can ensure that our programmes have their intended impact.
- It will never be shared with third parties without us making you or the student aware, and giving them the opportunity to opt out.
- The data will never be sold or used for marketing reasons.
Want to find out more or speak to someone? Get in touch and we’ll be happy to chat everything through.